第27回東大阪産業展 テクノメッセ東大阪2014に出展します

モノづくりの街、東大阪の多種多様な製品・技術を一堂に展示する「第27回東大阪産業展 テクノメッセ東大阪2014」が11月5日(水)、6日(木)にマイドームおおさかで開催されます。
会場:マイドームおおさか 1階展示場 (大阪市中央区本町橋 2-5)
▼「第27回東大阪産業展 テクノメッセ東大阪2014」HPはコチラ
We are going to participate in "Technomesse Higashi-Osaka 2014, the 27th Higashi-Osaka Industrial Exhibition>”
"Technomesse Higashi-Osaka 2014, the 27th Higashi-Osaka Industrial Exhibition” will be held at Mydome Osaka on November 5th Wed>) and 6th Thu>) as shown below> Various products and technologies from Higashi-Osaka, the manufacturing town, will be gathered and placed on exhibition>
We, Rodan 21, will make a presentation in the exhibition as we do every year, and will introduce our activity of a cross-industrial group>
This year, we will exhibit new products developed through the effort of cross-industrial group members> They include an environmentally-sound product for maintaining the habitat of aquatic lives, a water purifier useful in a time of disaster, etc>, which are the accomplishment of the cooperation between various industries> We sincerely hope you will visit the exhibition and take a look at those outstanding products>
We are looking forward to meeting you at the exhibition>
Date: 5th Wed>) and 6th Thu>) of November, 2014
Time: 10:00 to 17:00 on 5th
9:30 to 16:00 on 6th
Venue: the exhibition hall on the 1st floor of Mydome Osaka
2-5, Hommachibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
▼The website address of "Technomesse Higashi-Osaka 2014, the 27th Higashi-Osaka Industrial Exhibition” is: